

长期从事柔性致动材料、有机形状记忆材料、电池负极材料等功能材料的控制制备与性能研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、北京市自然基金、九州体育等科研项目研究。发表学术论文50余篇,其中被SCIEI检索30多篇;获得国家发明专利授权2项。目前为国际学术期刊Polymer Engineering and ScienceJournal of Materials ScienceCarbon等期刊论文审稿人,国家自然基金项目函评专家。

I. 主要研究工作

1. 离子型致动器材料、聚氨酯功能材料设计制备

2. 离子电池负极材料制备

3. 燃料电池交换膜设计合成与制备

II. 承担科研项目

1. 国家自然基金(No. 51063009):新型纳米IPMC的设计合成及其机电性能研究,目负责人

2. 留学回国人员科研启动基金(No.2012800):离子聚合物-金属复合材料的设计制备及电致动性能的研究,项目负责人

3. 北京市自然基金(No.2132009):石墨烯增强IPMC的制备及性能研究,项目负责人

4. 九州体育(No.TJSHG20151001702)多功能聚氨酯产业化,项目负责人

6. 延边中电阳光新能源科技有限公司(No. H2018-092)锂离子电池负极材料的开发,项目负责人

7. 开滦(集团)有限责任公司燃料电池用质子膜的开发及关键技术,项目主要成员

III. 代表性学术论

1. Xiaoming Tang, Ziyi Zhou, Yuehang Jiang, et al, Enhanced the Electromechanical Performance of a Nafion-Based Actuator,. Materials, 2022, 15(8): 2833.

2. Huiqin Lian, Wei Chang, et al., Shape memory Polyurethane based Ionic polymer- carbon nanotube composite, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 46221

3. You Zhang, Huiqin Lian*, et al., An ultrahigh performance supercapacitors based on simultaneous redox in both electrode and electrolyte, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017, 694, 136

4. Li, Yueting ,Lian Huiqin*, et al., Enhancement in Mechanical and Shape Memory Properties for Liquid Crystalline Polyurethane Strengthened by Graphene Oxide, Polymers,2016,8(7):236

5. Lei Zu, Yueting Li, Huiqin Lian* , et al., The enhancement effect of mesoporous graphene on actuation of Nafion based IPMC, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2016,301(9):1076

6. Yanou Hu, Huiqin Lian*, et al., Durable electromechanical actuator based on graphene oxide with in situ reduced graphene oxide electrodes. Journal of Materials Science ,2016,51:1376

7. Huiqin Lian, Shuxin Li, et al., Study on modified Graphene/Butyl rubber nanocomposites 1 Preparation and Characterization, Polymer Engineering and Science 2011,51:2254

8. Huiqin Lian, Weizhong Qian,et al., Enhanced actuation in Functionalized Carbon Nanotube -Nafion composites ,Sensor and actuator B , 2011,156:187

9. Minhua Cao, Huiqin Lian, Changwen Hu, Ligand-assisted fabrication of hollow CdSe nanospheres via Ostwald ripening and their microwave absorption properties. Nanoscale, 2010, 2 (12) :2619

10. Yuanfeng Lian, Huiqin Lian* , et al., Enhanced Electromechanical Performance of Graphite Oxide-Nafion Nanocomposite Actuator Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114 (21):9659         

11. Burgaz Engin, Huiqin Lian, et al., Nafion-clay hybrids with a network structure, Polymer, 2009, 50 (11):2384                                              

IV. 发明专利和软件著作权

1.连慧琴,崔秀国,祖雷一种制备磷烯的方法,国家发明专利,ZL.201510379948.7授权公告日: 2017.6.6

2. 崔秀国,祖雷,连慧琴,一种利用电化学制备磷烯的方法,国家发明专利,ZL201510169682.3授权公告日: 2017.3.8

V. 招生信息
